From ancient Finnish swamps and bogs arises this natural healing material - peat. All throughout Europe these "mud baths" were known to help against different types of ailments - to improve your skin, relieve aches and pains, cleanse, boost your motabolism, reduce hair loss, help with menopause and gynological conditions, improve your sleep and just overall relax and heal your body.
With a peat manicure, you can coat your hands in this rich, moist, soft material for about 15-20 minutes and relax in one of our treatment chairs or in the sauna. The peat treatment can help alleviate chronic pains and aches, and it boosts your circulation and activates your metabolism through the minerals and trace elements in the natural material.
Peat treatments are known to relieve the following ailments:
Muscle pain and stiffness
Muscloskeletal diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or ostheoarthritis
Urinary tract diseases
Menopause symptoms
Please note that peat treatment is not a sole solution for acute onset of disease or infection.
”I am always amazed at this peat, it helps against almost anything. I love how relaxed and wonderful each treatment makes me feel every time."